Issue No. 2 June 2021 Living Stream Ministry’s July 2021 Semiannual Training The July 2021 semiannual training will cover Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. The twelve messages will not be mere summaries of the Life-study messages on these books but will release light, life, and truth regarding the mysterious intrinsic significance of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. The writing of the outlines involved intense spiritual warfare. This indicates two matters: (1) that the enemy is opposed to the content of these twelve training messages and is fighting against them and (2) that this training is of great importance in the eyes of God, for these messages will enable the saints to experience and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, to do the will of the Father in their life and service, to become in Christ those who will conquer the satanic chaos by the victory of Christ and accomplish the divine economy for the new creation, and to take the way of life in reality for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. This training will be a special blessing to all those who are willing to pay whatever price the Lord requires for them to be trained, matured in life, and fully prepared to be part of the prepared bride of Christ, loving His appearing and longing for His coming.
Living Stream Ministry will host the July 2021 semiannual training by webcast July 5-10. Registration must be done through your local church. The registration deadline is June 21st; however, late registrations may be accepted. For more information, please contact LSM Registration at [email protected].
Beginning in April of 2021, Living Stream Ministry began publishing a six-volume series by Watchman Nee entitled Scriptural Messages. This series contains weekly messages given by Brother Nee in meetings of the church in Shanghai, China, from June 1930 to June 1934. Read more... ![]()
During the last six months there has been no reduction in the distribution of the New Testament Recovery Version in Europe during the global pandemic. Bibles for Europe continues to use a number of means to get “the aggregate of the proper understanding of the New Testament” out to the Lord’s seekers and lovers in Europe. Read more...
![]() In 1974 Brother Witness Lee began writing the footnotes for the Holy Bible Recovery Version for use in his semiannual Life-study trainings. He wrote these footnotes to expound the books of the Bible for a few definite purposes. Those of us who have benefited from Brother Lee’s Life-study of the Bible may realize some of these purposes, but perhaps not all of them are clear to all of us. In this issue of our newsletter, we would like to continue our presentation of his comments about each purpose for the Recovery Version with the footnotes, again giving some concrete examples to help our readers see and enjoy each for themselves. The second purpose is to minister the life supply. Read more... The Practical Way to Fulfill God's Purpose by Witness Lee $6.50
App for Mobile Devices ![]() We now have an app for the English Holy Bible Recovery Version! The app contains the Recovery Version of the Holy Bible with its numerous study aids, including the subject and background of each book; detailed, interpretive outlines; enlightening footnotes, valuable cross references, and a variety of useful charts and maps. Bible reference links in other Living Stream Ministry eBooks now open in this app. The Holy Bible Recovery Version App is available on the App Store and on Google Play. The New Testament says repeatedly that we should know the truth. Moreover, when referring to this matter, Paul repeatedly says that we should come to the full knowledge of the truth. Read more... First Timothy speaks of the pillar of the truth (3:15)….[A] pillar is something immovable. It cannot go up or down. It is not like a chair that can be moved from one place to another. If we are not sober, the truth will not have any effect on us. Read more... Upcoming Conference Crystallization-study of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (July Semiannual Training)
July 5-10, 2021
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