Having This Ministry
A Digital Newsletter from Living Stream Ministry

Life’s Meeting Every Person’s Need: A New Set of eBooklets to Enjoy and Share

Since May 2021, Living Stream has been distributing a series of free eBooklets called Nuggets and Gems from the Bible. These eBooklets, formerly known as the Rainbow booklets because of their colorful covers, are excerpted from the Life-study messages. So far, we have released these eBooklets individually, but we are now happy to announce that fifteen eBooklets have been grouped into a set called “Life’s Meeting Every Person’s Need.” We hope that making these particular eBooklets available as a set will give the saints the way to use them easily in various group gatherings and one-on-one shepherding.

The eBooklets in this new set are taken from the Life-study of John. Chapters 3 through 11 of the Gospel of John present nine human cases that illustrate how Christ as life can meet the need of every person. These eBooklets follow these cases, in which we can see the spiritual significances in the stories of Nicodemus, a Samaritan woman at the well, the son of a royal official, a man who was sick for thirty-eight years, the feeding the five thousand, the last day of the feast, a woman caught in the act of adultery, a blind man, and Lazarus who had died.

These cases first expose the condition and need of man, and then they reveal how the Lord can deal with all the conditions and meet all the needs of man. Life meets the need of man’s every case. We must realize that life here means the Lord Himself, the Word which was God and which became flesh. Although the Lord might have dealt with thousands of human cases, John selected only nine of them to illustrate how the Lord as life could and still can meet the need of every human case. (Witness Lee, Life-study of John, p. 91)

The nine cases in the Gospel of John are divided into two groups. The first six cases signify how the Lord as our life can deal with positive things, while the last three cases signify how the Lord as our life can deal with negative things. Let us review them once more. The first six cases reveal that the Lord as life is for regenerating, satisfying, healing, enlivening, feeding, and quenching. These six signs compose one group because they deal with the positive aspects of His life. The last three cases deal with the negative matters of sin, blindness, and death…In the first six cases the Lord brings us to something positive, but in the last three cases the Lord delivers us from something negative because He delivers us from sin, blindness, and death.” (Witness Lee, Life-study of John, p. 245)

We hope that this set of eBooklets will be a help to college campus teams, home meetings, small-group and neighborhood gatherings, Bible study groups, and any other groups of believers who are interested in benefiting from the Gospel of John. We also hope that many of us will use these eBooklets to shepherd new believers and young believers one on one.

As with all the Nuggets and Gems from the Bible eBooklets, these eBooklets are free to download and distribute. We hope that all of us will feel free to share them with others by sending a link, a QR code, or an eBooklet itself. The eBooklets are available on Apple Books, in the Google Play Store, by direct download, and as an audiobook. We all have benefited from this ministry. May we all help others to benefit as well.

Nuggets and Gems from the Bible booklet covers

Included in This Set

To make these eBooklets quickly and easily accessible, we offer links to all these eBooklets in one place.

The set includes the following eBooklets:

  • Eternity Past, Eternity Future, and the Bridge of Time
  • Life’s Principle—to Change Death into Life
  • Life’s Purpose—to Build the House of God
  • Life’s Regenerating—the Need of the Moral
  • Life’s Satisfying—the Need of the Immoral
  • Life’s Healing—the Need of the Dying
  • Life’s Enlivening—the Need of the Impotent
  • Life’s Feeding—the Need of the Hungry
  • Life’s Quenching—the Need of the Thirsty
  • Life’s Cry to the Thirsty Ones
  • Life’s Setting Free—the Need of Those under the Bondage of Sin
  • Life’s Sight—the Need of the Blind in Religion
  • Life’s Shepherding—the Need of Those outside Religion
  • Life’s Resurrecting—the Need of the Dead
  • Life’s Issue—the Church