Having This Ministry
A Digital Newsletter from Living Stream Ministry

Spanish Holy Bible Distribution Project in Latin America

For several years a small group of saints had prayed that the Lord would give us a way to supply the complete Recovery Version of the Holy Bible to the Spanish-speaking saints in Latin America. Some of us made several airplane trips to carry Bibles to various places. However, we began to realize that in order to reach our goal, we would need hundreds of trips, hundreds of saints, and hundreds of thousands of dollars. We realized that this way of distributing Bibles would not be economically feasible.

In early 2022 we opened the fellowship regarding this burden to some brothers at Living Stream Ministry with the hope to initiate a Bible distribution project for the Spanish-speaking saints in Latin America. In our initial fellowship we presented the need to distribute at least 1,500 Bibles. Perhaps our faith was not great enough to "prove" the Lord (Mal. 3:10). Several weeks later, the brothers from LSM met with us and told us that a very special price would be extended to us with a minimum total distribution of 1,500 Bibles.

Almost immediately, we began to contact the co-workers and responsible brothers in each country in Latin America to present to them this Bible distribution project, and there was an immediate positive reaction in the brothers. As a result of our fellowship with them, we began to fellowship with a group of young adults who were recommended by the brothers so that they could learn to coordinate in fellowship with us and other saints in their country. The coordination with each country was very positive and in a very proper spirit.

Nearly every day for several months we had coordination meetings with those from sixteen countries, primarily to pray and fellowship about this project and also to deal with practical matters such as imports and customs issues, domestic distribution, and other matters. This was a very special experience, allowing us to blend with many saints whom we had never met before. Even with the different time zones, we were able to coordinate together in a good way. Praise the Lord!

As the months passed and the times of fellowship continued, we could see how the Lord was moving among the churches in these countries, burdening the hearts of the saints and putting in them an appreciation for His Word. The saints responded to this burden from the Lord and began to submit their requests for Bibles, and we in turn had fellowship in the Body so that gracious offerings could meet whatever needs might arise.

The first Bibles began to reach their recipients in August 2022, and the last ones were received in February 2023. What began as a project for only 1,500 Bibles for the Spanish-speaking saints in Latin America ended up delivering a total of 9,382 Bibles in eighteen countries due to the aggressive response of the saints in the churches.

Throughout the project, we were able to see and experience the Lord’s blessing, abundant supply, and sustaining grace to carry this project forward in Him. The One “who is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20-21) became real in our experience. Brother Watchman Nee said,

Of late a thought has been constantly with me that all the work is dependent on God’s blessing. Often we are faithful, but despite our faithfulness there is no blessing and no fruit. Often we are diligent, but despite our diligence there is no blessing and no fruit. Often we exercise our faith; we truly believe God can do something. We also pray that He would work, but everything is in vain when God does not bless us. Sooner or later, we who serve God must be brought to the point of expecting God’s blessing. Without God’s blessing, our faithfulness, diligence, faith, and prayers will be to no avail. However, if we have God’s blessing, there will be fruit even if we seem to be wrong or hopeless. Therefore, all problems are a matter of God’s blessing. (The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 56, “Expecting the Lord's Blessing,” p. 435)

We praise the Lord for His blessing on the distribution of Spanish Recovery Versions in Latin America.